What It Takes to be an Online Student
To be a successful online student, it is critical for you to practice self-motivation tactics, effective time management, and strong communication skills.
To be a successful online student, it is critical for you to practice self-motivation tactics, effective time management, and strong communication skills. In addition, the time commitment for online classes requires well-developed productive study habits and an adaptability to learn both in a virtual classroom setting as well as on your own outside of instruction. While these competencies might seem difficult at first, becoming goal-oriented can help you develop the motivation needed to hold yourself accountable on a regular basis.

1. Get Organized
Before the semester begins, ensure you have the technical capability to access the required course materials, including e-books, online tools, and course websites. Take the time to practice navigating the online system so you’ll be prepared for your first class. This way you can focus on learning instead of struggling to log in five minutes into the lecture.

2. Figure Out How You Learn Best
Not everyone learns the same way, so think about what types of information help you best grasp new concepts and employ relevant study strategies. If you’re a visual learner, for example, print out transcripts of the video lectures to review. Learn best by listening? Make sure to build time into your schedule to play and replay all audio- and video-based course content.

3. Make A Schedule
Even though your Student Success Coach will assist you by checking in during your week, it’s important to leverage your time management skills. Commit to making your online coursework part of your weekly routine. Break up your workload into chunks by dedicating certain hours each week to reading, watching lectures, writing assignments, studying, and participating in forums. Then, set reminders for yourself to complete the tasks. Or, set a timer and give yourself permission to move on to other tasks once the time is up!

4. Be an Active Participant
Take initiative by reading materials, reaching out to classmates and instructors, and conducting additional research as needed. Productive online learners focus on acquiring and utilizing feedback for future coursework.

5. Ask Questions
The best online learners don’t hesitate to ask questions! Always request clarification or guidance from your instructors, by doing so you can avoid confusion and become more engaged with the content! Laurel instructors encourage this type of interaction and value the community it builds.

6. Hold Yourself Accountable
Set goals at the beginning of the semester and check in with yourself weekly. In a traditional classroom setting, you’ll often receive verbal or visual reminders of an assignment’s upcoming due date. By being organized, proactive, and self-aware, you can get the most from your online class even when life outside of school becomes chaotic!